'A startlingly original creation ... one of the most thought-provoking novels of the year.'—SciFi Weekly (on Genetopia)



I've always been a keen photographer, but for a long time this was sidelined as my creative career took off in other directions, and I focused on writing and publishing.

But I'm still drawn to photography, and the desire to get out and try to capture my world in images as well as words persists. Mostly it's just for fun, and to scratch a creative itch, but I like to push myself nonetheless. It's not been doing too badly: my photographs have featured on various tourist websites, several times in Outdoor Photography magazine (including winning their monthly competition in February 2022), on book covers, on the Victoria and Albert Museum's website, been runner-up and highly commended in the Essex Wildlife Photography competition, won various other prizes, and have appeared in local and national newspapers, including the Guardian.

I'm always interested in proposals from anyone interested in my work, so if you have a project that might benefit from the input of someone like me, who's been involved in writing, editing, screen design, book design, and photography for a long, long time, then get in touch!

My work is available for purchase for a variety of uses at Picfair and PrArtist. You can browse more of my work on Instagram, Mastodon and Vero.

images copyright Keith Brooke

Keith Brooke at Keith Brooke on Mastodon Keith Brooke's blog Keith Brooke on Facebook Keith Brooke at Instagram Keith Brooke on Vero Get in touch with Keith Brooke

images copyright Keith Brooke images copyright Keith Brooke
images copyright Keith Brooke images copyright Keith Brooke
images copyright Keith Brooke images copyright Keith Brooke